•Beautiful deep green color
•Excellent wear tolerance
•A very dense turf
•Uniformity and density make it an excellent choice for golf courses
•Perfect choice for home lawn landscapes, golf courses, and commercial applications
•Must have at least 6 hours of filtered sun
•360 square feet per pallet or 360 square feet per roll
Meyer Zoysia is a warm season grass with medium green color which forms a dense, low maintenance lawn. Like Bermuda varieties, Zoysia also spreads by rhizomes and stolons. It tolerates heat very well with good cold hardiness and drought tolerance. Meyer Zoysia tolerates shade better than Bermuda grass but growth will be slower in shaded areas. Zoysia has the best wear resistance of any grass.
•Slab sod: 18 x 24 inch pieces (approximately). Great for most applications.
University of Arkansas, Division of Agriculture
Note: Due to varying soil conditions and fluctuating weather patterns, it is impossible to offer general maintenance guidelines that are perfect for individual sites and situations. Please contact your local U T County Extension Office for specific questions.